Friday, November 25, 2011

NUS Module Review Semester 1 AY 11/12

Once again, I'm going to review the modules that I took this semester. 
If you have any questions, please send it to my email instead of posting in the comments, it's easier for me to reply.

The modules covered in this post:

GEK1519 (Science of Music)
SE1101E (South East Asia: A Changing Region)
PL3236 (Abnormal Psychology)
PL3233 (Cognitive Psychology)
PL3240 (Group Dynamics)

I'll answer 5+1 questions for each: What is it about? How's the workload? How difficult is it? Any miscellaneous tips? Should you take it? and a new question : "How did I do for it?"

If you want to see previous reviews for PL1101E, NM1101E, PH1102E, LAF1201, PL2131, click this link. For PL2132, PL3232, SSB2216 , PL3235, PH2110, click this link.

Do note that modules do vary across semesters, depending on which professor is taking it, so I will include the name of the professor for your benefit.

Sorry, this blog has moved over to Wordpress! You can find the rest of this review over at!